Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Phone (Motorola Droid)


I recently picked the new Motorola Droid from Verizon. I had the ENv Touch and the battery went out on it, I wasn’t actually planning on getting a new phone, but technology and new things seem to call to me.

I have to say that I am completely satisfied with the Droid up to this point. Granted, that I have only had it for 4 days now, but I usually base my opinions within the initial phases of things. 

I am not going to list all the specs, if you want to see click here.

I am impressed with the speed of the phone. Web browsing is nice and quick. True web browsing, with the pages loading up in amazing time for a phone, especially when the Wi-Fi is enabled and there is a network available; but the 3G network seems to do the job just as well too.

I am not going to lie though, the phone is huge, it’s not an attractive phone. I mean if you want a phone that is going to fit in your pocket nicely, this isn’t for you. Although, the Droid HTC has all the same specs as the Motorola version, so you may want to consider that if the size of the phone is an issue. I chose not to get the HTC because I wanted the bigger screen and the slide out keyboard.

Being a fan the IpodTouch (ipod version of the Iphone), I really enjoy the similarities in the Droid that the IpodTouch has. Since I have Verizon, I had to find an alternative to the Iphone.

I also love the 5mp camera on the phone. The Picture quality the Droid provides coming from a phone is really nice to have. Not to mention that you can virtually upload the images almost instantly to any application you want. Whether it’s facebook, your email, or pic texting.

I like the Droid since I use a lot of Google Apps, and it being a Google phone,  it works smoothly with the Gmail, GoogleTalk, Youtube, and some others.

I may feel differently about in a month or so, but so far so good.


[Via http://insolublevitality.com]

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ngalor Ngidul Tentang HP

Entah bisa disebut frugal atau emang nggak mampu!

Setiap kali saya posting blog, saya lebih terbiasa melakukannya via hp. Memang sih beberapa postingan saya ada juga yang saya ketik langsung di monitor komputer. Itu juga dikarenakan keterbatasan jumlah karakter huruf pada hp yang tidak memungkinkan bagi saya untuk menulis lebih dari 5000 karakter. Meskipun begitu tetap saja draft tulisan saya tulis di hp.

Paling banter saya menulis 3000 karakter untuk sebuah postingan. Itu juga dah lumayan panjang menurutku.

Selain itu pula, posting via hp yang diintegrasikan dengan email, biaya yang dikeluarkannya terhitung lebih murah.

Murah karena hitungannya seperti ini, setiap delapan karakter dihitung satu byte. Jika saya menulis hanya 3000 karakter, maka besar kapasitas yang digunakan hanya 375 byte.

Apalagi jika menggunakan IM3 , per-kb hanya Rp 1. Paling setiap ngirim kena cash seperak doang. Ditambah biaya ini itu buat konek paling mahal nggak lebih dari 5 kb.

Klo mau posting ada fotonya gimana?

Bisa kok, tinggal di attach aja. Lagian juga foto hasil jepret dari hp biasanya ukurannya ga gede-gede amat. Resolusi si kameranya disesuaikan dengan ukuran area postingan. Klo lebih, biasanya si foto suka meleber ke samping. Paling, jadi Rp 100 klo fotonya berukuran 100 kb.

Hoh gitu toh!!

Tapi… Tapi… Ga pegel apa ngetik pake hp ampe 3000 karakter? Apalagi dilihat dari gaya penulisannya tampak baku sesuai EYD (ejaan yang dipaksain) dan tidak menggunakan gaya penulisan sms yang disingkat-singkat?

Ah ngga juga. Klo gaya nulis yang dialaykan itu baru pegel.

Sebenarnya hp-hp yang banyak dikonsumsi oleh rakyat Indonesia (kecuali merk cina) sudah menyediakan fasilitas menulis cepat atau kalau dalam hp nokia biasa kita kenal dengan T9, klo motorola iTap. Klo hp cina saya tidak tahu, belum pernah coba.

Sayangnya, fasilitas ini jarang dimanfaatkan untuk menulis. Karena orang tidak banyak tahu bagaimana cara menggunakannya.

Padahal cara menulis T9 bisa dikatakan lebih efisien ketimbang menulis sms yang ribet. Semuanya berpulang kepada kebiasaan. Tapi klo mau nulis hingga 3000 karakter, disarankan menguasai cara menulis T9.

Pernah seorang teman mengatakan bahwa saya adalah orang pertama yang ia lihat meng-sms pake T9. Sebuah pujian atau keterkejutan.

Klo kata yang ingin saya masukkan tidak terdapat dalam program T9 gimana? Tenang saja, kata baru itu bisa dimasukkan dan disimpan bilamana ingin digunakan lagi di kemudian waktu.

Hp-nya musti yang keren?
Ga juga. Dulu aja saya pake nokia 6585 buat chating dan kirim email oke-oke aja tuh. Dengan gaya menulis T9 pula. Terus pake motorola V3, sedikit ribet tapi lumayan bisa kirim dan terima email.

Sedangkan tren masa kini, orang-orang banyak beralih menggunakan hp-nya dengan model buntet yang menjejalkan 26 huruf didalamnya. Meskipun begitu, fasilitas yang semakin lengkap justru tidak membawa efek positif dalam menulis. Tetap saja disingkat padat asal tepat.

Belum lagi fasilitas internet yang ga jauh cuman dipakai hanya untuk social network, update status, atau say helo.

Ga salah emang jika kita menggunakannya untuk hal-hal di atas. Hanya saja kita tidak sering kali luput menggunakannya seoptimal peruntukannya. Dan malah mengumpulkan gadget-gadget itu hanya untuk satu fungsi saja.

Bagi saya, asal bisa kring-kring dan sms sudah cukup. Klo saya harus bisa mengabadikan setiap moment yang terjadi. Klo saya harus selalu update dengan teman-teman di dunia maya.

Apapun alasannya, gunakan hp-mu sesuai dengan kemampuanya. Kenali fasilitas yang disediakannya dan ketahui pengunaannya.

Bener-bener ngalor-ngidul.

Ditulis di kota Bandung, oleh Ismail Agung dikirim melalui email yang diketik di nokia 6300 pada pukul 1:43 dini hari.

[Via http://agungsmail.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Motorola Motus BACKFLIP with Android

Motorola Motus BACKFLIP was announced at January 2010 and will be in market soon on first quarter of 2010. Motorola BACKFLIP with MOTOBLUR syncs contacts, posts, messages and more, automatically delivering them to your home screen. This phone comes with very exciting and interesting features. This phone comes with accelerometer sensor to automatically rotate your screen, MOTOBLUR UI with live widgets to give you better experience. Here is full QWERTY keyboard with reverse flip facility and backtrack touch panel for good support. When you need to use its keyboard just flip it and all buttons will be shining and enjoy the QWERTY keyboard.

With this phone you will get connectivity with 2G, 3G, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPRS, EDGE to give you better experience of latest technology. Enjoy all the widget on your home screen for instant access. Here you can store unlimited phonebook entries and call records. You can use up to 32 GB of microSD card and the advantage is that you will get 2 GB memory with this phone. This phone has 5 Mega Pixel of camera with LED flash and auto focus. This phone comes with Android Operating System with upgradable facility so whenever you want you can upgrade it. GPS with A-GPS support to navigate you.

[Via http://cellhut.wordpress.com]

Saturday, February 13, 2010

motorola v3i 9174

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[Via http://smttt.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Motorola Mobile Phones Vs LG Mobile Phones - Genießen Sie den Unterschied mit Pride

Kommunikationstechnologie hat mehrere fruchtbare und erstaunliche Veränderungen aus vergangenen Jahren stark verändert. Der technologische Fortschritt hat völlig revolutioniert die Kommunikation Konzept und seine beste Beispiel Mobiltelefone. Die mobilen Geräte sind hoch innovativ und technologisch fortschrittlichsten Geräte, die ein neues Konzept von hoch effizienten Kommunikation gegeben haben. Diese ultimative Kommunikationsmittel haben sich zu einem Grundbedürfnis heute, wie sie viele haben wir eine schöne Einrichtungen.

Heute gibt es Tausende von ultimative Handys auf dem Markt erhältlich und die Benutzer können für jedes Modell, das sie zieht die meisten gehen. Viele mobile produzierende Unternehmen haben sich als Pioniere in diesem Bereich wie Motorola, Samsung, LG festgestellt, Sony Ericsson etc. Motorola Mobiltelefone und LG Mobiltelefone sind die meistverkauften Handys, die stark sind bekannt für ihre gut aussieht und herausragenden Eigenschaften bewundernswert. Beide, der Motorola> Handy sowie die LG-Handys lassen sich am besten auf ihre eigene Weise. Allerdings vs Motorola Mobiltelefone LG Mobiltelefone Vergleich ist harte Arbeit zu tun.

Motorola Handys sind hoch innovative Geräte, die ihren festen Platz im Herzen der Kunden gemacht haben. Diese ultimative mobile Geräte sind von den neuesten Funktionen und Techniken, die für eine effektive Kommunikation notwendig sind, bereichert. Ob es um die Frage dersieht oder der Funktionsweise wird Motorola-Geräten nie enttäuschen. Diese hoch fantastischen mobile Maschinen sind mit Tausenden von nützlichen Funktionen, die die Nutzung dieser Geräte interessanter zu machen verpackt.

Sie werden sich verlieben mit dem hoch verführerischen Blicken der Motorola-Gadgets. Diese verlockende Geräten kommt mit äußerst ansprechenden Aussehen und sind schön gestaltet ist, um Kunden aufmerksam machen. Darüber hinaus steht der große TFT-Display des Motorola-Handys ein erfreuliches Anzeigeund Berufserfahrung für die Nutzer. Die Welt-Klasse-Kamera mit Autofokus und Blitz Features gibt Bilder in hoher Qualität für die Benutzer und ihnen eine spannende Erfahrung Fotografie.

Nicht nur das, der Motorola Handys auch aktuelle Connectivity-Features wie GPRS, Bluetooth, USB usw., die die Anwender mehrere Dokumente, Bilder, Hintergründe und Lieder mit ihren Freunden teilen können. Außerdem sind die Geräte Motorola auch mit großer Qualität Media-Player ausgestattet,zusammen mit einem UKW-Radio mit RDS.

Die LG-Handys geben einen strengen Wettbewerb auf dem Motorola-Gadgets. Die sehr elegante Erfindungen von LG sind attraktiv genug, um Ihre Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. Diese einzigartigen Geräte sind mit verschiedenen erstaunlich und sehr nützlichen Funktionen eingebettet. Das wichtigste Merkmal des LG-Handys ist ihre sehr schönen Design. Sie können für eine blendende LG mobilen Gerät entscheiden, je nach Anforderung und Budget.

Sieht nicht nur, das LGGadgets sind auch mit mehreren anderen sehr fantastische Funktionen ausgestattet. Ob wir über seine großen TFT-Bildschirm zu sprechen, seiner leistungsfähigen Kamera, Connectivity-Funktionen und riesigen Speichers werden alle awesome. Sie können vermisse die äußerst angenehmen, Fotografie Erfahrung mit diesen faszinierenden LG mobile Geräte.

Heutzutage gibt es viele neue Erfindung des LG, die wir den Benutzern, ihre Business-Arbeit machen lassen. Was kann angenehmer als diese Anlage, die Sie bearbeiten Ihre Büroarbeit erlaubtnur von zu Hause sitzen. Wenn Sie von Ihrem hektischen Zeitplan müde, dann ist die LG-Handys bieten große Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten für Sie. Sie können hören Sie Ihre Lieblingsmusik wann immer Sie wollen und können sich mit ihren hoch verwöhnen musikalische Erfahrung zu verjüngen.

Die Motorola-Handys und LG Mobiltelefone sind exzellente Kommunikations-Geräte, die Sie in vollem Umfang mit ihren sehr verlockend Funktionen erfüllen kann.

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[Via http://gunstighandyskaufen.wordpress.com]

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Microsoft could learn from Motorola

If Microsoft’s lack of innovation is due to it’s departments screwing each other up, isn’t that a sign of bad leadership?

As John Gruber said today:

Can you imagine the head of Apple’s iWork team declaring by fiat that there wouldn’t be versions of Keynote, Pages, and Numbers for the iPad because he didn’t like the concept?

They can’t because if they did, Steve Jobs (and the other high level Apple execs) wouldn’t tolerate it.

Motorola was in a position not unlike Microsoft last year when they hired CEO Sanjay Jha. The ailing company hadn’t had a hit product since the RAZR, and now that the world had moved on to smartphones, it was in serious trouble.

From a New York Times article last October:

[Jha] discovered that the group making phones with Nokia’s Symbian operating system was staffed almost entirely by outside contractors. The entire project appeared to lack coordination and it was constantly months late in delivering phones. “They were fixing the same bug three or four times,” he said. “It was the contractors run amok.” Even worse, Motorola was not making money on its Symbian phones.

Mr. Jha soon decided to axe the entire Symbian product line as well as phones using several other operating systems. He wanted to simplify product development to standardize on one or two core systems.

The culmination of this revitalization was the Motorola Droid, arguably the second best smartphone behind the iPhone, and a hit from Motorola.

Microsoft has the talent and certainly the resources to make great products. They just have to stop tripping themselves up doing so. They need a leader with a cohesive strategy for every product Microsoft makes, as well as one who will look at each product thoroughly and not be afraid to say “this isn’t good enough.”

[Via http://spritely.wordpress.com]

Feedback Sports RAKK - Black

Feedback Sports RAKK – Black

   Brand: Feedback Sports

   Customer Rating :

   List Price : $41.99

   Sale Price : $41.99

   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Feedback Sports RAKK – Black Feature

  • The 3-point contact locks in the wheel holding the bike upright.
  • Simple and sweet, RAKK works on any size bike without adjustment. When your bike is out, fold the RAKK up and store it away.
  • If you own more than one bike, clip several RAKKs together for adjacent storage, or use them individually in whatever locations you wish.
  • RAKK is made of steel and coated with durable powder paint for a lifetime of satisfaction.
  • Originally manufactured by Ultimate Bike Support – brand name has changed to Feedback Sports

Feedback Sports RAKK – Black Overviews

Tired of leaning your bike against the wall only to leave holes in the drywall and scratches in the paint? RAKK is an elegant answer. Set it down where you want it and roll your bike’s rear wheel into the stand. That’s it!
Available in Black or Silver

Feedback Sports RAKK – Black RelateItems

  • Park Tool HBH-2 Handle Bar Holder
  • Park Tool BBB-2 The Big Blue Book of Repair – 2nd Edition
  • Bicycling (1-year)
  • Planet Bike Blinky Super Flash 1/2-Watt Blaze LED Plus 2 eXtreme LED Rear Bicycle Light
  • Park Tool Advanced Mechanic Tool Kit – AK-37

Feedback Sports RAKK – Black CustomerReview

I am a road cyclist and started researching bike stands. When I initially looked at the stand I thought it was not going to be stable enough and would be fragile but when I got it was surprised to find out that little assembly was required and works like a charm and the beauty of it is if you have additional bikes you can attach the raaks together which is a great idea. I would highly recommend this product if you are looking for a stand that does not take up alot of space, and is stable.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 04, 2010 18:46:23

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

See Also : Buy Sportline Shopping Lightweight Laptop Computers Flip Decks White Toothbrush

[Via http://outdoor1.wordpress.com]

Android Review: My First Open Source Phone

I was a Blackberry user.  I had already been sold on smartphones, and was one of those BlackBerry users who scoffed when the iPhone came out as something expensive and shiny that could only do a fraction of what my Blackberry could, and yet was tied to an expensive plan on a single carrier.

I was aware of Android and had been running it for a while in a virtual machine hoping it would develop as a mature netbook OS.  I saw the G1 come out on T-Mobile and subsequent HTC offerings on Sprint as well.  And then came Droid.

By the time my two years had ended and my phone came up for upgrade, the new Blackberries were just not as impressive.  The Blackberry Storm had terrible reviews from friends, and was equally unimpressive when I tried it at the store.  After two years of use, I found the ball of my Blackberry was very finicky over time.

In the same I used my Blackberry for so much.  It was my mp3 player, my email client, my camera, and my alarm clock.  I had recently started to use Google Voice, which also integrated well on Blackberry.  I got an iPod Touch, but while the touch screen worked, and an mp3 player, I was very irked by how locked down it was, and how it seemed to have comparatively less features than the Blackberry, even my two-year old one.

Enter the Motorola Droid.  I got my Droid about a month ago and so far has been the answer to my post-Blackberry experience.  For the most part, it has been far more stable than my Blackberry and iPod Touch have been.  It again fills my need for an mp3 player, a camera, an alarm clock, an email client, a calender, and in addition, a pocket video gaming platform.

From a nerds perspective, I can get ssh and a terminal directly from the App store without having to jailbreak or root my Droid.  The control over the device is amazing.  For the linux user part, I like that it does not rely on a software platform to integrate it with my laptop.  I just put all my music in a folder on the sD card (simply by plugging in the USB cable that came with the Droid into my computer) and Android automatically organizes the library.   The same for pictures and video.  No need for iTunes to do this.  To be fair, this is exactly what my Blackberry did as well.  Droid comes with the Amazon.com downloader so you can purchase mp3’s directly to your Droid and copy your music over to your PC’s library no problem.

The battery life is mediocre.  Better than my wife’s iPhone but not nearly as good as my Blackberry was even after two years.  Blackberry definitely wins in that area.

If you are a Google user, the Droid integrates with all your Google account stuff, so anything on your Google calender and your Google Contacts can be sync’d.  It’s not just Google, it can do this with Outlook and Facebook as well!  The Google Voice app integrates even better than with the Blackberry.  Whenever you make a call you can be prompted to call through Google Voice or through your regular number.  The same goes for SMS.

Similar to the Apple experience, and an area Blackberry has been trying to do, there is a common software repository called the Android Market which is full of free and paid apps.  I have generally found that while there are more Apple apps, the Android apps are more useful, such as getting ssh or a good IRC client for free.  The gaming experience is pretty decent too, if you don’t mind the hit on your battery life, but there’s apps for that too.

Other cool apps are an Ebay app that can scan the barcode from any label and search for that item on Ebay.  Another one is Google Goggles from which the user can take a picture of something (a brand name, or a painting) and the app will come back with a Google search for it.

The Google Streetview integrated navigation system is a very nice thing to have if you happen to live in Los Angeles or any other major city, and so far has worked pretty well.

My recommendation is that if you can afford the required data package add-on, to go ahead and get the Motorola Droid.  The learning curve for it is not very steep, and it is loaded with functionality.  It is also one of the most stable mobile platforms available right now.

[Via http://vwbusguy.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Android Theme Gucci

Gucci Theme For Motorola Android

Here is a nice Gucci Theme for the Motorola Google Android.
Click here to download (via sendspace)

Please note that using this theme requires
aHome v2.5.1 (via megaupload)
which can be downloaded by clicking to the left.

[Via http://justinide.net]